Tuesday, July 28, 2015

R programming - Data frames

Refer index page for R at the following URL:

Whats a data frame?
A data frame is like a spread sheet. We can create multiple vectors and make a spread sheet by using the following:


Create some vectors.


Create a data frame

As you can see data frames are nothing but a spread sheet.
We can import data from a data base into a data frame.

There are some functions that may help you while working with a data frame.

Function nrow
nrow(x) function will return the number of rows in a data frame.

Function ncol
ncol(x) function will return the number of columns in a data frame

Function dim
dim(x) will return the number of rows and columns (combining ncol and nrow)

To view first 6 rows from a large data frame, use head(x)
To view the last 6 rows from a large data frame, use tail(x)

To find a particular column name within a data set, use names(x)[3]
To see all columns names within a data set, use names(x)

Want to access a particular value within a data frame?

Use x[row_no,col_no]

Thus, x[2,3] will return the 2nd row and the 3rd column data.

If you want to see the entire row, leave that blank

x[,3] will return the entire 3rd column values

Its pretty obvious that if you want to see the entire 2nd row, you need to use

If you want a part of the columns (and not all)

Use x[2,1:3] to return the 2nd row and only the first 3 column data values

Refer index page for R at the following URL:

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